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What is Anal fistula, Anal Fistula Treatment Prices in Turkey

If we briefly describe the fistula, they are tubular formations that occur between an organ of the person and another part. It is usually abnormal. It commonly occurs in and around the anus of the person. Sometimes it occurs between the two intestines. So what is Anal Fistula and how it is treated, let’s take a look at it together.

What is Anal Fistula?

Anal Fistula is a tube-shaped abnormal condition that develops in the last part of the person’s intestine and anus. This structure, which occurs in the form of an abscess, is formed as a result of infection. When this abscess is emptied, a channel-shaped structure remains. These fistulas do not heal on their own. Surgical intervention is required. Abscesses are the most important factors in the formation of anal fistula.

What are the Types of Anal Fistula?

As with many diseases, anal fistulas have more than one type. So, what are the Types of Anal Fistula, we can briefly explain as follows:

  • Intersphincteric Fistulas
  • Transsphincteric Fistulas
  • Suprasphincteric Fistulas
  • Extrasphincteric Fistulas

Why Does Anal Fistula Occur?

When wondering why an anal fistula occurs, one of the most important reasons in the answers given is the formation of an abscess in the region. If this abscess is emptied, the duct left behind cannot heal sufficiently and a fistula occurs. Infection continues in these fistulas, which are usually in the form of channels. Other causes of these may be anal traumas, formations that occur as a result of anal surgery and a condition called crohn’s disease.

What are the Symptoms of Anal Fistula?

The human body is an entity that was created exactly in a certain order. In the slightest problem that occurs in the person’s body, the body tries to explain it to the person by showing symptoms. One of the most disturbing diseases is the occurrence of anal fistulas. After the formation of this disease in the body, what are the Symptoms of Anal Fistula, let’s look at it together:

  • Signs of irritation around the anus
  • Serious aches and pains that occur while the person is sitting, on the move, during the big toilet and during coughing
  • The occurrence of a severely foul-smelling discharge around the anus
  • The formation of pus-shaped discharge and bleeding while the person is making a large toilet
  • If an abscess has formed in the anus, swelling, redness and warming around the anus are experienced
  • Rarely, symptoms such as the inability to control the movements in the intestines occur

How is Anal Fistula Diagnosed?

One of the diseases that everyone fears most and is ashamed of during the examination is the diseases that occur in the anus. People are afraid to think about what will happen to them during the examination and go away. However, this shyness can carry the disease further and cause worse results. For this reason, if you have the above-mentioned symptoms, it will be in your best interest to go to a doctor’s control.

So, let’s find out how to diagnose Anal Fistula. The doctor must first examine the patient in order to diagnose a fistula As a result of the physical examination, the diagnosis is usually made immediately. In examinations performed under the effect of anesthesia, fistulography and MRI, the type of fistula will be determined and the doctor will advance the treatment accordingly.

How is Anal Fistula Treatment Done?

How to Treat Anal Fistula in this recurrent disease is one of the most curious subjects. The clearest answer to this is surgery. Anal fistulas that do not heal on their own are removed by surgical procedures. This surgery is usually performed after the abscess is emptied and the infection is minimized. In surgeries performed for the treatment of anal fistula, the fistula is treated in many different ways. Some of them are as follows:

  • Complete removal of anal fistula
  • Removing one part and closing the other part
  • Treating this canal by making special clips or patches with the person’s own tissues to close this canal
  • Seton bonding treatment
  • Treatments with the use of surgical adhesives or stoppers
  • Closing the fistula by suturing

It is a very important detail that the anal fistula surgery to be performed is taken very seriously and performed by specialists and experienced physicians. Otherwise, the muscles that hold the stool inside lose their function and the person may become unable to hold their stool.

How to Care for Anal Fistula?

Because people are afraid of a doctor’s examination, they often wonder how care is done in order to show improvement. Before briefly explaining How to Care for Anal Fistula, we should say that if there are symptoms, it is beneficial to go to a doctor’s control before it gets worse and different results occur.

  • exercise methods
  • Keeping the anal area clean
  • sitz bath with hot water

What we have mentioned above should not be done on its own, but with the advice of a doctor. When these substances are made, they will relieve the fistula, keep it clean and protect it against infections.

How is Anal Fistula Surgery Performed?

Surgery is the most effective method in the recovery of anal fistula diseases. This surgery is usually performed by anesthetizing the waist down with an anesthetic needle made from the waist of the person. This method is called spinal anesthesia. Before performing the surgery, the doctor recommends the patient a diarrhea medication. The person drinks this the night before and completely empties the intestines and comes to the surgery in this way.

So, let’s learn how to do Anal Fistula Surgery. The procedures performed are called fistulotomy and fistula tract excision in medical language. After these procedures, the patient who has been treated does not need to be hospitalized. This surgical process usually takes about 10-30 minutes. However, in cases where the risk of developing any complications cannot be taken into account, the patient is observed in the hospital for one night.

Things to Consider After Anal Fistula Surgery

Things to Consider After Anal Fistula Surgery are wondered by every individual who has had surgery. We can briefly list them as follows:

  • Nutrition after surgery should be done under the control of a doctor and in the light of his advice.
  • The dressing of the surgical area should be done on time and regularly.
  • It is very important for the person to give importance and pay attention to his personal cleanliness.
  • The person should take plenty of fluids and consume fibrous foods.

Anal Fistula Treatment Prices in Turkey

Turkey has succeeded in making its name known to foreign citizens in the world as a result of successful attempts in the field of surgery. Especially the reputation of Turkish hospitals and Turkish doctors, who give hope to people with their many treatments, has reached everyone. For this reason, sick guests from abroad prefer Turkish hospitals first. We can list the reasons for this preference for you as follows:

  • The devices used by hospitals in Turkey for treatment are state-of-the-art and all hospitals are equipped with this technology
  • Turkish doctors and nurses are experts in their fields, friendly and understanding
  • Hospitality and helpfulness of all the personnel who deal with them, especially the personnel of the intermediary firm that brings the sick people to Turkey
  • Factors such as treatment and other expenses being quite affordable in Turkey can be shown among the reasons for preference

Foreign citizens who prefer Turkey for treatment have many questions about Anal Fistula Treatment Prices in Turkey. However, many factors such as the type of fistula, its location, stage, treatment method and treatment process change the price issue. For this reason, you can reach detailed price information by calling us first. In addition, if you come to Turkey for treatment through us, we can facilitate your visa application procedures with the invitation letter we send to the consulate.

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