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Lower Jaw Surgery 2024

The facial region is our limbs that attract attention at first glance. Although congenital or acquired deformations on the face of people deeply affect the psychology of the person, they seek solutions.

The chin area is a region that has different appearances in humans. Conditions that affect the appearance of people, such as congenital or acquired chin recession, are now corrected by surgery.

Many diseases remained the fate of the patient before medicine completed its development process. Today, revolutionary technological developments, especially in the field of medicine, have removed many diseases from being fate and provided people with the opportunity to heal.

One of them is chin treatment. The forward or backward condition that occurs in the congenital or later jaws of people is now corrected with easy surgery. In lower jaw surgery, the forward jaw is surgically retracted or a posterior jaw is moved forward.

How is Lower Jaw Surgery Performed?

Mandible surgery is a surgical intervention performed under general anesthesia by specialist surgeons in hospitals. The possibility of any complications that may occur during this procedure should be determined in advance and necessary precautions should be taken.

After the necessary tests and examinations are done, the doctor who decides to have the surgery should also explain the possible risks to the patient.

In lower jaw surgery, it should be planned how the procedure will be performed according to the condition of the jaw. If the chin is forward, it is taken back. If it is behind, the transactions are completed by taking it forward. In the lower jaw surgery, after the patient is given general anesthesia, an incision of 3-4 cm is made on the jawbone, in the mouth, from the back of the teeth.

If the jawbone is to be taken forward, extra bone tissue is placed in the space to be left, and if it is to be taken back, the excess bone structure is cut and fixed with small screws.

How Many Hours Does Jaw Surgery Take?

As with any surgery, chin surgery is personal and has some risks. Many factors such as the size of the defect in the person’s jaw, the treatment method, and the mishaps that may occur during the operation affect the operation process.

However, if we assume that the surgery is quite successful and proceeds normally, lower jaw surgery and upper jaw surgery take 1-2 hours on average.

Is Lower Jaw Surgery a Major Surgery?

Considering lower jaw surgery? Wondering whether it qualifies as a major surgical procedure? This comprehensive guide aims to address your concerns and shed light on the significance of lower jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery.

Lower jaw surgery, or orthognathic surgery, is a specialized procedure designed to correct various skeletal and dental irregularities affecting the lower jaw. These issues may include misalignment, disproportionate jaw size, or difficulty with essential functions like biting and chewing.

  1. Medical Importance: Lower jaw surgery is a crucial intervention that goes beyond cosmetic enhancements. It addresses functional problems related to the jaw, such as difficulty in speech, chewing, and breathing. The procedure aims to improve both oral function and facial aesthetics, contributing to an overall better quality of life.
  2. Collaborative Approach: Typically, lower jaw surgery involves a collaborative effort between oral surgeons, orthodontists, and other dental specialists. This multidisciplinary approach ensures comprehensive treatment, addressing both the aesthetic and functional aspects of the jaw.
  3. Preparation and Recovery: Before the surgery, thorough evaluation and planning are conducted to tailor the procedure to the patient’s specific needs. The recovery period varies but often involves a few weeks of initial healing, with full recovery achieved over several months. Patients are provided with detailed post-operative care instructions to facilitate a smooth recovery process.
  4. Life-changing Results: Patients undergoing lower jaw surgery often experience life-changing results. Improved facial balance, enhanced oral function, and increased self-confidence are among the transformative outcomes that contribute to the overall success of the procedure.

In summary, lower jaw surgery is indeed a significant medical intervention, addressing both functional and aesthetic concerns associated with jaw irregularities. If you are considering this procedure, consulting with experienced oral surgeons and understanding the comprehensive nature of the surgery can help you make informed decisions about your oral health and overall well-being.

How Painful is Lower Jaw Surgery?

  • Postoperative Discomfort: It’s natural to anticipate some level of discomfort following lower jaw surgery. However, advancements in surgical techniques, anesthesia, and pain management have significantly minimized the postoperative pain associated with the procedure.
  • Individual Variations: Pain perception varies among individuals, and what may be uncomfortable for one person might be more manageable for another. Factors such as pain tolerance, overall health, and adherence to postoperative care guidelines can influence the extent of discomfort experienced.
  • Immediate Post-Surgery Period: During the initial days after surgery, it’s common to experience some swelling and soreness. Your oral surgeon will prescribe pain medications to help manage this discomfort effectively. Following the prescribed medication schedule is crucial to staying ahead of any potential pain.
  • Long-term Recovery: As the initial healing progresses, the need for pain medication typically decreases. Patients often transition to over-the-counter pain relievers as they continue their recovery journey. It’s important to communicate openly with your healthcare team about your pain levels to ensure a personalized and effective pain management plan.

Strategies for Managing Pain:

  • Medication Adherence: Strict adherence to prescribed pain medications, especially during the first few days, is essential to control pain effectively. It’s crucial to follow the prescribed dosage and timing to maintain a consistent level of relief.
  • Ice Packs and Rest: Applying ice packs to the surgical site can help reduce swelling and alleviate discomfort. Additionally, getting adequate rest and following your surgeon’s instructions on activity levels contribute significantly to a smoother recovery process.
  • Communication with the Healthcare Team: Your oral surgeon and healthcare team are valuable resources. If you experience persistent or unexpected pain, don’t hesitate to reach out. They can provide additional guidance, adjust medication if necessary, or address any concerns you may have.

In Which Situations Is Lower Jaw Surgery Performed?

Mandible disorders can be noticeable deformities at first glance. In this case, the psychology of the person deteriorates day by day and begins to seek treatment methods. The most permanent method for this is chin surgery.

However, surgeons do not operate in all cases. Listed below are the situations in which jaw surgery is performed:

  • Every individual over the age of 18 has a lower jaw disorder complaint
  • The condition called prognathism, where the lower jaw is quite forward
  • The condition called micrognathism, where the lower jaw is quite backward
  • The lower jaw is crooked to the right or left
  • The tip of the person’s chin is large or small
  • The tip of the person’s chin is forward or backward
  • Factors such as an asymmetrical appearance on the face may require surgery

At What Age Is Lower Jaw Surgery Performed?

A person’s bone development usually lasts until the age of 18. In this case, any kind of surgery that will hinder the development is avoided. One of them is lower jaw surgery.

Doctors recommend waiting for the patient’s 18th birthday for lower jaw surgery to resolve the person’s jaw problems. Because previous surgery may disrupt the patient’s bone development.

However, if there are situations that should not be kept waiting or if urgent intervention is required, the doctor can perform this surgery at an earlier age.

How Many Days Does Lower Jaw Surgery Heal?

  • Lower jaw surgery is an important procedure that is performed under the influence of anesthesia, with the possibility of serious complications. For this reason, the things to be done before the surgery are explained to the patient by the doctor and it is expected to be strictly followed:
  • Antibiotics are used as a preventive measure.
  • After the operation, when the effect of anesthesia wears off, normal pain may begin, and facial swelling and edema may occur. These should be controlled by using medication under the supervision of a doctor.
  • If necessary, together with the doctor’s controls, the patient can stay under observation in the hospital for 1-3 days.
  • When the person regains consciousness, he or she can start feeding with liquid foods if there is no other situation.
  • At the end of 3-4 days following the surgery, dressings and sutures can be removed.

Does Lower Jaw Surgery Change Face?

The lower jaw, or mandible, plays a pivotal role in defining facial proportions and symmetry. When considering lower jaw surgery, it’s essential to recognize that the procedure aims to address functional issues, such as misalignment or difficulties with biting and chewing, which can contribute to an imbalance in facial aesthetics.

Key Aspects of Facial Changes After Lower Jaw Surgery:

  • Enhanced Facial Harmony: Lower jaw surgery is meticulously planned to achieve not only functional improvements but also enhanced facial harmony. By addressing jaw misalignments or asymmetry, the procedure contributes to an overall more balanced and aesthetically pleasing facial appearance.
  • Subtle, Natural Changes: Skilled oral surgeons work to achieve results that appear natural and harmonious with the patient’s unique facial features. The goal is not to drastically alter the face but to refine and enhance its natural beauty through corrective measures.
  • Individualized Treatment Plans: Each lower jaw surgery is tailored to the specific needs of the patient. Surgeons consider factors such as the extent of correction required and the patient’s facial anatomy. This individualized approach ensures that the surgery complements the natural features of the face.
  • Postoperative Adjustments: The recovery period after lower jaw surgery involves gradual adjustments, both functionally and aesthetically. Patients may experience some swelling and bruising initially, but as the healing progresses, the positive changes become more apparent, contributing to an improved facial profile.

What are Examples of Congenital Jaw Problems?

Congenital jaw problems, originating from birth, can impact oral health and facial development. Understanding these conditions is crucial for early identification and appropriate intervention. In this guide, we explore examples of congenital jaw problems to shed light on their nature and potential solutions.

  • Malocclusion: Malocclusion refers to the misalignment of the upper and lower jaws, affecting how the teeth come together. This congenital condition can lead to difficulties in biting, chewing, and speaking. Early orthodontic evaluation is essential to address malocclusion promptly and guide proper jaw development.
  • Micrognathia: Micrognathia is characterized by an underdeveloped lower jaw, resulting in a smaller-than-normal chin. This condition can affect facial aesthetics and may contribute to breathing and feeding difficulties. Treatment options may include orthodontic intervention or, in severe cases, corrective jaw surgery.
  • Macrogenia: Conversely, macrogenia involves an abnormally large lower jaw, leading to an exaggerated chin. This congenital jaw problem can impact facial harmony and may contribute to malocclusion. Orthodontic evaluation and, if necessary, surgical correction can help address macrogenia and its associated concerns.
  • Cleft Lip and Palate: While not exclusively a jaw problem, cleft lip, and palate are congenital conditions that can influence jaw development. These occur when the tissues forming the upper lip and roof of the mouth do not fuse properly during fetal development. Surgical procedures, often performed in stages, are employed to address these conditions and restore normal function.
  • Hemifacial Microsomia: Hemifacial microsomia involves underdevelopment of one side of the face, including the jaw. This congenital anomaly may result in facial asymmetry and jaw size discrepancies. Multidisciplinary care, including oral and maxillofacial surgery, may be recommended to address both functional and aesthetic aspects.

What Do I Need to Consider Before Having Jaw Surgery?

Choosing to undergo jaw surgery is a significant decision that involves careful consideration of various factors. Whether you’re exploring options for functional improvements or addressing aesthetic concerns, understanding what to consider before having jaw surgery is crucial for a successful and satisfying outcome.

Key Considerations Before Jaw Surgery:

  • Consultation with Specialists: Before making any decisions, schedule consultations with experienced oral surgeons and orthodontists. These professionals will assess your specific case, discuss treatment options, and provide valuable insights into the potential benefits and risks associated with jaw surgery.
  • Understanding the Purpose of the Surgery: Clearly define your goals for jaw surgery. Are you seeking functional improvements, such as addressing bite issues or correcting misalignments? Or is the focus more on enhancing facial aesthetics? Understanding the purpose of the surgery helps align expectations with the potential outcomes.
  • Comprehensive Treatment Planning: Jaw surgery often involves a collaborative approach between oral surgeons and orthodontists. A comprehensive treatment plan should be tailored to your unique needs, considering factors like the severity of the jaw problem, recovery time, and postoperative care.
  • Exploring Non-Surgical Alternatives: In some cases, non-surgical alternatives may be viable options. Orthodontic treatments, physical therapy, or other conservative approaches could provide solutions without the need for surgery. It’s essential to explore and discuss these alternatives during the decision-making process.
  • Financial Considerations and Insurance Coverage: Jaw surgery can be a significant financial investment. Before proceeding, inquire about the cost of the procedure, potential insurance coverage, and available financing options. Understanding the financial aspect ensures that you’re prepared for both the immediate and long-term financial implications.
  • Realistic Expectations for Recovery: Consider the recovery process and set realistic expectations. Jaw surgery involves a period of healing, during which you may experience swelling, discomfort, and dietary restrictions. Understanding and preparing for the recovery phase contributes to a smoother postoperative experience.

In conclusion, informed decision-making is paramount before undergoing jaw surgery. By thoroughly considering factors such as consultations with specialists, the purpose of the surgery, comprehensive treatment planning, non-surgical alternatives, financial considerations, and realistic expectations for recovery, you pave the way for a successful and satisfying jaw surgery experience. Consult with experienced professionals to guide you through this process and ensure that you make the right choices for your oral health and overall well-being.

What are the Different Types of Jaw Surgery?

Jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery, is a specialized field that encompasses various procedures designed to address a range of functional and aesthetic concerns. Understanding the different types of jaw surgery is crucial for individuals considering this transformative intervention. Let’s explore the diverse landscape of jaw surgery and the specific purposes each type serves.

  • Orthognathic Surgery for Misalignment: One of the most common types of jaw surgery is performed to correct misalignments in the upper and lower jaws. This misalignment, known as malocclusion, can cause issues with biting, chewing, and facial symmetry. Orthognathic surgery aims to reposition the jaws for improved functionality and a harmonious facial profile.
  • Maxillary Osteotomy: Maxillary osteotomy involves surgical adjustments to the upper jaw (maxilla). This type of jaw surgery is often recommended for individuals with issues like an overbite, underbite, or crossbite. By repositioning the maxilla, surgeons enhance both oral function and facial aesthetics.
  • Mandibular Osteotomy: Mandibular osteotomy focuses on surgical corrections to the lower jaw (mandible). This type of jaw surgery is commonly performed to address conditions such as an underdeveloped lower jaw, overbite, or asymmetry. By repositioning the mandible, surgeons achieve a more balanced and functional jaw structure.
  • Genioplasty (Chin Surgery): Genioplasty is a specific type of jaw surgery that targets the chin. It may be performed in conjunction with other jaw surgeries or as a standalone procedure to address chin retrusion or protrusion. Genioplasty enhances facial harmony by achieving balance in the lower facial features.
  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Surgery: Individuals experiencing temporomandibular joint disorders may require jaw surgery to address issues affecting jaw joint function. TMJ surgery aims to alleviate pain, improve jaw movement, and restore normal jaw joint function.

Is Lower Jaw Surgery Risky?

As with every surgical intervention, there are some risks in this surgery and the patient and his relatives should be informed before the operation. Possible side effects and risks after lower jaw surgery are listed below:

  • There may be swelling of the face, a feeling of nausea and vomiting, and tiny blood leaks.
  • Although it is very rare, there may be partial or complete loss of sensation in the lower lip.
  • The nerves that provide the sensation of the lower lips and teeth are protected as much as possible during the operation. Otherwise, if these nerves are damaged, they are treated with microsurgery, that is, with a microscope, which doctors will do.
  • Before the operation, the patient’s entire health history should be reviewed, and tests and examinations should be performed. If there is no serious problem that the patient hides from his doctor, there is no risk of death in this surgery.

Jaw Surgery in Turkey

Discover the excellence of jaw surgery in Turkey, where cutting-edge medical expertise meets the allure of a vibrant destination. If you’re considering lower jaw surgery, Turkey emerges as a premier choice, offering world-class healthcare coupled with the rich tapestry of its cultural heritage.

Why Choose Jaw Surgery in Turkey?

1. Expertise Beyond Excellence: Unparalleled surgical proficiency defines the realm of jaw surgery in Turkey. Renowned surgeons, equipped with the latest advancements in medical technology, ensure precision and optimal outcomes for patients seeking transformative changes.

2. Affordable Excellence: Experience top-tier healthcare without breaking the bank. Jaw surgery in Turkey is not only renowned for its quality but also for its affordability. The cost-effective nature of procedures makes it an attractive option for those seeking high-quality medical care at a fraction of the cost in many Western countries.

3. Cutting-Edge Facilities: State-of-the-art facilities set against picturesque landscapes create an environment conducive to healing and recovery. From initial consultations to post-surgery care, the facilities in Turkey are designed to prioritize patient comfort and well-being.

Our Comprehensive Jaw Surgery Services:

1. Orthognathic Surgery: Correct misalignments and irregularities with our advanced orthognathic surgery. Our skilled surgeons utilize precise techniques to enhance both functionality and aesthetic appeal.

2. Chin Augmentation: Achieve facial harmony with our personalized chin augmentation procedures. Tailored to your unique features, our surgeries focus on creating a balanced and symmetrical profile.

3. Recovery Retreats: Embrace recovery in tranquility. Combine your surgical journey with a retreat in the enchanting landscapes of Turkey. Our recovery programs offer the perfect blend of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Lower Jaw Surgery Prices in Turkey, Lower Jaw Surgery Cost in Turkey

As in many areas, Turkey is among the preferred countries in the field of health. The value that Turkey attaches to the health sector and the investments it makes are also known by the whole world.

As such, the most reliable surgeons, who are technology experts, are still in Turkey. For this reason, this country is preferred especially by foreign patients during the treatment process.

The idea that the treatment is in reliable hands, at an affordable price, and then in a holiday paradise with its natural beauties attracts patients. If you also want to prefer Turkey for mandibular treatment, you can contact us to learn about prices and general information.