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What is Colonoscopy?

What is Colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy is the process of examining the large intestine with the help of a device with a camera at its end. The device used in this procedure is called a colonoscope.

How is a colonoscopy done?

  • Colonoscopy procedure allows examination of all parts of the large intestine, starting from the rectum.
  • Colonoscopy is a medical procedure that allows a doctor to examine the lining of your colon (large intestine). This process can help find polyps, tumors, and other abnormal growths in the colon.
  • During a colonoscopy, a long, flexible tube (colonoscope) is inserted into the rectum and passed through the colon. At the tip of the colonoscope is a small camera that transmits images of the inside of the colon to a monitor in the exam room.
  • Your doctor will be able to see any abnormal areas and take a biopsy (tissue sample) if needed. Colonoscopy usually takes 30-60 minutes.
  • You will be given anesthesia to help you relax during the procedure. You probably won’t remember much after the colonoscopy is over.
  • You may experience some bloating and gas after the procedure, but this will soon pass. You should be able to return to your normal activities within a day or two.

Diet Before Colonoscopy

Two days before the procedure, the patient should start eating a soft, low-fiber and fluid-rich diet. It is important for the patient to prepare using the drugs prescribed to clean the intestines before the procedure.

If you’ve made an appointment for a colonoscopy, your doctor will likely recommend a special diet to prepare for the procedure. This is because the colon must be empty for the examination.

You will need to follow a special diet for several days to prepare for the colonoscopy. This diet includes only pulp-free liquids and low-fiber foods. You will need to avoid solid foods, dairy products, and anything with seeds or shells.

Here are some examples of what you can eat on a pre-colonoscopy diet:

  • Meat Water
  • Fruit juices without pulp (such as apple juice)
  • Sports drinks
  • Strained fruit juices
  • Black coffee
  • Tea

You will need to follow your doctor’s instructions about how long you can stay on the diet and when to start solid foods again. It is important to stick to the diet plan so that a colonoscopy can be performed safely and effectively.

What should be considered before colonoscopy?

  • One of the preparations before the procedure is that the patient should stop using blood thinners, if they are using them.
  • If you are allergic to any substance or medication, you should also inform your doctor.
  • During the colonoscopy procedure, the patient must be hungry.
  • Medications used in preparation for a colonoscopy can sometimes cause nausea. In case of increased complaints such as nausea and vomiting, the drugs used for bowel cleansing can be interrupted.
  • Slowly drinking the drugs and taking a break for about half an hour when there is a feeling of nausea can reduce the severity of nausea.
  • In addition, consuming cold water with the drug can also reduce the complaint of nausea.

Colonoscopy Procedure Steps

  1. During the colonoscopy procedure, the patient is laid on his left side and the patient is asked to bring his knees closer to his chest.
  2. While the patient is in this position, anesthesia is given, allowing the patient to fall into a deep sleep.
  3. The colonoscope device is slowly advanced from the rectum, and the rectum, which is the last part of the large intestine, is entered first.
  4. While the colonoscope device is in the rectum, the intestines are inflated with the air given through the device and the field of view is increased.
  5. Then, the colonoscope device is advanced in accordance with the turns in the large intestine.
  6. The device is carefully passed from the junction of the large intestine and small intestine to the small intestine.
  7. During the colonoscopy, the last part of the small intestine is also examined.

How Long Does the Colonoscopy Procedure Take?

The colonoscopy procedure takes about half an hour. Inspection of images can be performed during the process. In addition, abnormal formations noticed during imaging can be removed with the help of a colonoscope. Usually, a biopsy sample is taken from the intestinal tissue during colonoscopy and sent for laboratory examination.

In Which Diseases Is Colonoscopy Performed?

Colonoscopy procedure is performed for diagnosis in cases such as abdominal pain, prolonged constipation or diarrhea, unexplained weight loss, unexplained iron deficiency and anemia, and bleeding from the anus.

According to the colonoscopy evaluation, patients who are found to have polyps in their intestines should have colonoscopy at regular intervals. Intestinal screening with colonoscopy is recommended every 5 years, especially over the age of 50. Bowel screening is very important in the early diagnosis and treatment of colon and rectal cancer.

What should be Considered After Colonoscopy

After the colonoscopy, the patient rests for about an hour and is sent home on the same day. Since air is given to the intestines during the colonoscopy procedure, patients may experience gas pains after the procedure. Small amounts of blood may be seen in the stool after the procedure. However, if the bleeding lasts for a long time or is excessive, it is recommended to consult a healthcare provider. After colonoscopy, plenty of fluids should be consumed.

Complaints After Colonoscopy Procedure

There are some complications (negative situations) that may occur during or after the colonoscopy procedure. These complaints can be listed as:

  • Bleeding
  • Inflammation
  • Stomach ache
  • Tear in the intestinal wall
  • Herniation in the intestinal wall


Diet After Colonoscopy

After having a colonoscopy, it’s important to eat healthy foods to help you recover and recover. Some good options are:

  • Fruits and vegetables: These contain nutrients that can help your body heal.
  • Lean protein: Protein is essential for the rebuilding and repair of tissues. Choose lean sources like grilled chicken or fish, tofu or legumes.
  • Whole grains: Whole grains contain fiber and other nutrients that support gut health. Choose products such as whole grain bread, quinoa or brown rice.
  • Probiotic foods: Probiotics help support a healthy gut microbiota. Include probiotic foods such as yogurt and kefir in your diet.
  • Water: Drink plenty of water throughout the day and Staying hydrated is important for all aspects of health, including colon health. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Colonoscopy Prices 2024

Colonoscopy prices will vary depending on factors such as doctor’s fees, clinic fees, and procedures performed during colonoscopy procedures. Regardless of the range of colonoscopy prices you should do it if your doctor has recommended this procedure. Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world, so early diagnosis is very important to avoid this condition.