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Rectal Cancer

Rectal Cancer

The rectum is the name given to the last part of the human body that connects the large intestine to the anus. The most important task of the rectum in the human body is to preserve the stool to be excreted. The total length of the large intestines is 1.5-2 meters. The rectum forms the last 12-15 cm of this section.

The rectum consists of three parts. When we examine these, the first part is the part called the mucosa, which secretes mucus to facilitate the expulsion of stool. The mucosa completely covers the inside of the rectum.

The second part is in the middle part. Its name is Muscularis Propia. This part consists of the muscles that provide the contraction process.

The last part that forms the rectum is the fat layer. Lymph nodes, which play a serious role in the immune system of the human body, surround the rectum.

What is Rectal Cancer?

Rectal cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the rectum, which is located in the continuation of the intestines of people and forms a part of the last 12-15 cm.

In general, when patient statistics are considered, it is seen together with colon cancer and both are referred to as Colorectal Cancer.

Rectal Cancer Symptoms

This disease which usually progresses without symptoms is diagnosed during routine screenings of the person. In some cases, it manifests itself with quite different symptoms. Commonly known symptoms of rectal cancer are as follows:

  • The most common symptom in people with rectal cancer is rectal bleeding and blood in the stool. 8 out of 10 people followed experience these symptoms
  • Saliva in the form of mucus in the stool
  • Constipation complaint
  • Diarrhea complaint
  • Mobility in the intestines that act as if there is gas
  • The patient’s bowels feel as if they are empty
  • Despite going to the toilet, the patient does not defecate enough
  • Heavy bowel movements
  • Sudden weight loss

Rectal Cancer Stages

In the field of medicine, definition terms called stages are used according to the progression level of cancers. In rectal cancer, the disease is examined in 4 stages.

  • The first stage is the most comfortable stage to treat. In early-diagnosed rectal cancer, tumors are located only in the rectal wall but have not started to spread.
  • In the second stage, the tumors involved all the intestines but did not spread to another organ, the lymph nodes.
  • In the third stage, cancerous cells that involve all the intestines have also reached the lymph nodes.
  • In the fourth and final stage, cancerous cells have spread to all distant organs.

How Long Does patient of Rectal Cancer Live?

Early diagnosis in all kinds of diseases stops the progression of the disease and increases the survival rate of the patient. But like everything else, illnesses are personal.

All kinds of factors such as the body structure of the person, the stage of the cancer in the body, treatment methods change the survival time of the patient.

For this reason, it would not be correct to say a certain lifetime for cancer patients. If you are a cancer patient or if you have a relative with rectal cancer, you can contact us for detailed information.

Does Rectal Cancer Kill?

The treatment process and methods vary according to the stage of the disease and at what stage it is diagnosed in a person with rectal cancer.

The treatment of rectal cancer diagnosed in the first stage is quite easy and can be controlled with medication without surgical operation. However, rectal cancer diagnosed in the fourth stage, which is the last stage, spreads to almost all organs.

For this reason, the doctor can only apply chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments in order to make the patient comfortable without going to surgical intervention in line with the tests and examinations he has made.

Although this disease often results in death in the last stage in the world, the disease is personal and every patient must be under the control of a doctor. For this reason, you can contact us to get information about the life expectancy of rectal cancer and have a meeting with our specialist doctors.

Rectal Cancer Treatment in Turkey

As in every disease, Turkish hospitals and Turkish doctors have succeeded in making their name known to the world in the treatment of rectal cancer. Since the recovery rate is quite high, hospitals and doctors in Turkey are preferred by foreign patients.

The most important factors of this choice can be listed as:

  • The latest technological opportunities in the field of medicine found in Turkey
  • Expertise and experience of doctors in their field
  • Comfort of hospitals
  • By the accurate and fast answers to all questions by the doctors, there is no question mark in the minds of the patients and their relatives
  • Doctors, nurses, caregivers and all Turkish personnel who take care of them are friendly and understanding
  • Providing treatment at affordable prices
  • Easy, cheap and comfortable transportation to Turkey
  • Turkey also offers holiday opportunities to patients with its natural beauties

. You can also contact us if you want to get detailed information about the prices of rectal cancer treatment in Turkey.

Rectal Cancer Stage 2 Life expectancy

As with all cancers, rectal cancer consists of stages. In the second stage, which is a part of these stages, cancerous cells have surrounded the rectum and intestines, but have not yet reached the lymph nodes.

In the treatment of rectal cancer, the spread of cancer cells affects the life span. Early diagnosis saves lives. At this stage, if the doctor deems necessary, treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy are applied. Since the disease is personal and each body fights differently, it would not be right to give a certain life expectancy.

How Long Does Stage 4 Rectal Cancer Live?

In the fourth and final stage of rectal cancer, cancerous cells have now spread to distant organs. At this stage, the doctor does not perform surgery and begins chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment.

At this stage, it would not be right to give life to the patient, and he should be under the supervision of doctors and should get information about the treatment process of the disease by communicating with them. If you want to have information about this type of cancer, you can contact us.

Rectal Cancer Mortality Rate

According to studies, approximately 500 thousand patients die annually due to colorectal cancer. Rectal cancer ranks third among cancer-related deaths worldwide.

We can list the death rates as follows. But it should not be forgotten that each disease is personal and the patient fights for himself. For this reason, if you want to get detailed information, you can get information from our doctors by contacting us.

  • In stage one rectal cancer, cancerous cells appear only in the rectal wall. The 5-year survival rate is around 90%.
  • In stage two rectal cancer, cancerous cells spread in the rectum and intestines. It did not reach the lymph nodes. The 5-year survival rate is around 60-85%.
  • In stage three rectal cancer, the cancerous cells have also spread to the lymph nodes. The 5-year survival rate is around 30-60%.
  • In fourth and final stage rectal cancer, cancerous cells have spread to other distant organs. The 5-year survival rate is around 5-7%.

Complications After Rectal Cancer Surgery

Surgery for rectal cancer takes approximately 2-4 hours on average. This period varies according to the patient, the disease, the treatment method to be used and any situation that may occur in the operating room.

The complications that may be seen in the patient after the operation is completed are expected to be as follows:

  • The most common complication is anastomotic leakage. It is also called as leakage into the abdominal cavity.
  • After a while, it returns to normal, but stool incontinence is observed in patients who come out of the surgery.
  • Infection can occur in incision wounds, although not very often.
  • One of every three patients undergoing surgery has a frequent and urgent feeling of defecation.
  • Some patients may experience urination problems.
  • Sexual problems do occur, although not very often.
  • Injury to the spleen may occur.
  • Intestinal adhesions may occur.

Rectal Cancer Stage 3 Life expectancy

If the cancerous cells of the patient with rectum cancer are in the third stage, it means that these bad cells have spread to the rectum, colons and lymph nodes. The treatment of this spread is according to the doctor’s examinations and tests; surgical intervention, chemotherapy, radiotherapy treatments.

Although it is not correct to say a clear life expectancy at this stage, how the patient responds to treatment affects the process.

Nutrition After Rectal Cancer Surgery

Since the rectum is located in the digestive system, the patient should consume foods that are easy to digest after surgery. He should adopt the principle of eating little and often.

The nutrition process should be under the control of a doctor and if necessary, the nutrition process should be followed in cooperation with a dietitian. In the 3-6 weeks following the surgery, attention should be paid to nutrition, if there is no other situation, you can return to your old diet with the approval of the doctor. You should drink 8-10 glasses of water daily.