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Neck Lift Surgery, Neck Lift Surgery in Turkey

Neck Lift Surgery, Neck Lift Surgery in Turkey Aging from the past to the present is one of the things that people cannot escape by nature. The sagging, which develops due to age, especially in the face and neck region of the people, is recovered with the latest technology, resulting in a more alive and firm appearance

. This stretching can be done with or without surgery.

In this article we have prepared for you, we will try to find answers to all the questions about neck lift.

Causes of Sagging and Wrinkling of the Neck Region

There are a number of reasons for sagging and wrinkles that occur in the face and especially in the neck region of people. We can list these reasons for you as follows:

  • Sagging and wrinkles caused by genetic factors
  • The state of gaining and losing excess weight
  • Problems in people’s posture and lying down
  • Causes such as growth and sagging of the salivary glands can cause sagging and wrinkles

What is Neck Lift Surgery?

Neck lift surgery is the process of restoring the sagging and wrinkled neck area of ​​people for some reasons, together with certain incisions. Although middle-aged and older patients generally prefer, this procedure is also performed to collect the sagging skin of people who have lost excess weight.

How is Neck Lift Surgery Performed?

Before these neck lift surgeries, the patient and the doctor should prepare an operation plan by interviewing at the preliminary examination. The general condition of the area to be treated and how much stretching should be done should also be considered.

If the person is using it before the surgery, he should quit alcohol and smoking. This release will shorten the healing time of the wounds and increase the permanence of the surgery. Issues such as information about the drugs he is using and his past health history should also be shared with the doctor. If the patient is using drugs that contain blood thinners, the drug should be discontinued under the control of the doctor in order to avoid unnecessary bleeding during the surgery.

With the general anesthesia performed, the operation takes 3-5 hours on average, depending on the condition of the person. Incisions are usually made from the front of the ear, the area under the earlobe, the area behind the ear, the scalp or under the chin. Since these incisions are usually very small, the possibility of scarring is minimal.

Neck Lift Surgery Methods

There are several methods to be used while performing the stretching procedure during neck lift surgery. We can briefly explain them to you as follows:

  • Face and Neck Lift Method
  • Liposuction Method
  • Neck Strap Method

What Should Be Considered Before Neck Lift Surgery?

  • Before the operation, the patient should inform the doctor about himself. Among this information, he should explain in detail every detail such as the drugs he used, the diseases he had, the operation attempts he had, the diseases his family had inherited.
  • Before the operation, it should be learned by performing tests and examinations in order to see if the patient has any adverse situation against anesthesia. If there is a contrary situation, it should be removed or the operation should be cancelled.
  • Neck lift surgery is performed with the effect of general anesthesia. For this reason, the doctor’s instructions should be strictly followed. Eating and drinking should be stopped at least 6 hours before the start of the operation.
  • In order to prevent unnecessary bleeding during or after the surgery, the use of blood thinners or some drugs that affect blood thinning should be discontinued.
  • In order for the healing process to be fast, for the permanence of the surgery to be high and for the patient’s blood flow to be normal, alcohol and smoking should be stopped at least 10 days before the surgery.

What Should Be Considered After Neck Lift Surgery?

  • After the operation, water should not be touched to the operation area for about 4 days.
  • In order for the healing process to be fast, the break given to smoking should be continued. This period is about 2 weeks.
  • Blood thinners should not be taken for the first 7 days after the operation. These drugs may cause unnecessary bleeding at the wound incision sites.
  • In the first weeks, challenging and jarring sports should not be done.
  • Things such as solarium, sauna or hot water should be avoided for about 15 days after the surgery.
  • The patient should protect the wound area from direct sunlight by using sunscreen after the surgery.

What are Non-Surgical Neck Lift Applications?

There are 3 different non-surgical neck lift methods applied for people who are afraid of going under the knife. We can explain them to you as follows:

  • Neck Lift with Ulthera Method; With this method, the tissues under the skin are targeted. The tissues are activated by giving sound waves. These reactivated tissues begin to produce collagen.
  • Neck Lift with Thermage Method; In this method, the tissues under the skin are activated with radio frequencies. Activated tissues begin to produce collagen again.
  • Neck Lift with Rope Neck Hanging Method; It is a stretching procedure with medical threads that does not cause any harm or side effects to the skin

Neck Lift Prices in Turkey

Most of the plastic surgeries performed in Turkey are successful. Foreign nationals, who are aware of these successful results, prefer Turkey in many aesthetic fields such as neck lift, rhinoplasty, face lift, eyebrow lifting.

The reason why Turkey is preferred for treatments is that the hospitals are large and fully equipped, the doctors are experienced in their fields, all questions are answered quickly and accurately, all the service personnel who deal with the patients are friendly and understanding, and the possibility of vacation in Turkey after the surgery.

Factors such as being affordable and affordable needs such as treatment, eating, drinking, and shelter play a role.

  • If you also want to have neck lift surgery in Turkey, If you come to Turkey through us, we can facilitate visa procedures with the invitation letter sent by us to the consulate. You can also contact us to find answers to all the questions you have in mind and to get detailed price information.