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Epilepsy Treatment

There are many serious diseases occurring in the world. There are also scientific studies conducted to eradicate, prevent or reduce the effects of these diseases.

We can say that scientists came together and made many discoveries or inventions with the help of technology. These inventions and inventions are steps taken towards improving people’s lives.

With today’s technology, it is possible to treat many diseases. We know that some diseases have no cure, but their effects are reduced by the treatment methods and drugs used.

One of these diseases is epilepsy. Although there is no specific treatment at the moment, its effect is reduced by the drugs used. In this article we wrote for you, we will talk about epilepsy.

What is an Epileptic Seizure?

Epilepsy is also known as epilepsy. This disease is among the chronic, that is, long-term diseases in people.

It usually occurs with problems in neurons in the brain and continues with contractions, sensory changes and changes in consciousness. People with epilepsy have a very healthy appearance when they do not have seizures. These seizures occur at regular intervals and continuously. Once a person has had a seizure, it may not be possible to make a definitive diagnosis of epilepsy.

While the treatment researches of this disease continue, unfortunately, there is no definitive treatment at the point where today’s technology and advancing science have reached. The treatment and drugs applied to the sick person are made in order to prevent and control the damage caused by this disease.

What are the Causes of Epilepsy?

There is currently no specific reason for epilepsy disease and the seizures that occur with it.

  • Traumas experienced by the person at the time of birth
  • Diseases with high fever experienced by the person
  • Traumas resulting from a blow to the head as a result of an accident
  • Abnormal conditions occurring in the vascular system of the person
  • Excessively low blood sugar disorders
  • Benign or malignant tumors occurring inside the head
  • Or inflammation in the brain can cause this disease

It is possible for epilepsy to occur in any age range. We can list some of the factors that can trigger and cause this disease as follows:

  • Although it can occur at any age, this disease is usually more common in early childhood or people over the age of 55. For this reason, we can show age among the reasons:
  • All of the diseases that cause infection in a person’s brain.
  • Seizures that are independent of epilepsy with high fever and experienced in childhood.
  • The person has dementia.
  • The presence of this disease in the person’s family and relatives.
  • Having head traumas in any age period.
  • Disturbances in the blood vessels, that is, in the vascular system of the person, can be shown among the causes of the emergence of this disease.

What are the Symptoms of Epilepsy?

Symptoms of epilepsy last between 2-5 seconds and 15 minutes on average. Some symptoms may precede, while others may occur with seizures. We can list the symptoms for you as follows:

  • Intense fear and anxiety that occurs in people and usually occurs suddenly
  • Nausea in the person
  • The state of drowsiness experienced by the person
  • Abnormal changes in the person’s vision
  • Difficulty and loss of control when moving one’s feet and hands
  • Headaches experienced by the person
  • The state of being confused with the loss of consciousness of the person
  • Uncontrolled contractions in the person’s muscles
  • Person falling to the ground
  • Foam and similar things coming from the mouth of the person during the seizure
  • Clenching of the teeth during the seizure
  • Biting the tongue during a seizure
  • Symptoms such as different sounds during the seizure occur.

What Are the Types of Epilepsy Seizures?

There are a number of seizures that people with epilepsy experience with this disease. We can list these seizures in 6 ways:

  • The seizure in which people with epilepsy experience a short-term loss of consciousness along with short-term eye squints; It is called Absence Seizure.
  • If the consciousness is on or off during the seizure experienced by the person and this seizure occurs by affecting a part of the body, the name is; It is called Focal Seizure.
  • During another seizure called Generalized Seizure, the person’s whole body contracts, leaks urine and continues with foaming from the mouth.
  • Severe contractions that are affected by epilepsy and occur only in the affected part are called tonic seizures.
  • The epileptic seizure that occurs in the body and affects only a certain part and is seen as tingling and numbness is called Somatosensory Seizure.
  • The seizure in which the person can see hallucinations and experience emotions such as anger, fear, and joy that occurs suddenly is called a psychic seizure.

How Is Epilepsy Diagnosed?

In order for the diagnosis of epilepsy to be made clearly by the doctor, the seizure experienced by the person must be described very clearly. The person who will make this recipe is the patient himself.

After the patient’s consultation with the doctor, a number of tests and examinations are applied. These

  • Electroencephalography (EEG test)
  • MRI scan
  • Computed Tomography shooting
  • Diagnosis is made by performing tests such as PET

How Is Epilepsy Treated?

Today, there is no method or medicine that completely cures epilepsy. All drug treatments and surgical operations are performed with the aim of minimizing the effects of this disease. For this purpose, the patient’s seizures are tried to be controlled.

Epilepsy is treated with a number of drugs prescribed by the doctor. Seizures experienced with these drugs can be prevented to a large extent, but they do not disappear completely. During this process, the patient should stay in contact with the doctor and use their medications regularly.

During this treatment period, the person’s body may not respond to treatment, and epilepsy that starts at a young age may improve depending on the age factor or may last throughout the patient’s life. If the person’s disease does not respond to drug treatment, doctors may apply a surgical treatment to minimize the effects of the disease with a surgical intervention after some tests and examinations.

How can a person suffering from epileptic seizures be helped?

If there is a person or people with you or around you who have an epileptic seizure, it is of great importance that you follow the steps below. But beforehand, you must call 112 to call for help or ask someone to do it for you.

  • The person who will help should first of all stay calm and keep his cool. If you panic, you will not be able to help the patient.
  • It is important for the health of the patient that you turn the patient on his side and put him in a position where he will not be harmed.
  • If the patient having an epileptic seizure is trembling, do not try to stop this tremor, if his jaw is locked, do not try to open his jaw and stick out his tongue. Doing so can harm both you and the patient.
  • located on the patient; loosen items such as belts, headscarves, shawls, scarves, ties.
  • Do not try to make the person having an epileptic seizure drink water, as if you do, the patient may be in danger of suffocation.
  • There is no need for survival movements such as heart massage to the person who has an epileptic seizure.

If you have epilepsy and are at risk of having a seizure at any time, you may need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Take care to use your medicines on time.
  • Leave cards with the words that you have epilepsy in your pockets or in the bag you carry with you.
  • Take care as much as possible not to go out alone.
  • Avoid activities such as climbing and hanging.
  • Do not lock the door when using the bathroom or toilet.
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to bright flashing lights that will affect brain functions. Do not stand in front of the TV for long periods of time.
  • Pay attention to water consumption.
  • Don’t get too tired and don’t be too sleepy.
  • Be careful not to hit your head.

What Occupations Can Epilepsy Patients Do?

There are some diseases that even play an important role in the choice of profession. Epilepsy, which is one of these diseases, also affects people’s career choices. Because epilepsy attacks that may occur on the job can lead to fatal accidents. We can list the occupational groups that epilepsy patients cannot choose as follows:

  • It would be more appropriate for people with epilepsy not to prefer jobs such as pilots, divers, doctors, mountain climbing, occupational groups that require driving, occupations that require the use of weapons, and occupations that require the use of cutting and drilling machines.
  • It is also of great importance that you tell your workplace that you have epilepsy when entering a job.

Epilepsy Treatment Prices in Turkey

Turkey has made its name known to the whole world with its success rate in the treatment of many diseases. For this reason, especially foreign citizens living abroad prefer Turkey for treatment. We can list the reasons for this preference as follows:

  • High success rate in the treatment of diseases
  • Hospitals are equipped with high technology, clean, spacious and comfortable
  • Hospital food is good
  • Doctors are experts in their fields, skilled, experienced and have a sense of empathy
  • Patient caregivers, nurses, hospital staff and all staff who will accompany you in this process are friendly and helpful
  • Turkey’s facilities in the transportation network
  • Holiday opportunities offered by Turkey
  • Factors such as affordable treatment in Turkey are among the reasons for preference

As for the price, it would not be right to say an amount without seeing the patient. Because every illness is unique to the individual. Factors such as the extent of the disease experienced by the patient, the tests and examinations to be performed, the drugs to be used and the treatment methods affect the prices. For this reason, you can contact us to get information about the price and to ask any questions you have in mind.