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What is Pulmonary Embolism, Symptoms and Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism in Turkey

What is Pulmonary Embolism, Symptoms and Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism in Turkey. Embolism is the problem of not getting blood to the organ it feeds as a result of blood clotting in the veins. This problem usually occurs in the lungs and is called pulmonary embolism. If we need to look at the position of Turkey before we examine the titles such as what is pulmonary embolism and how to treat it, Turkey, which has made advanced developments in the field of medicine, has also pioneered the discovery of treatment for many diseases.

With the advanced technology and following the world developments, he is aware of all treatment methods and diseases. One of these diseases is Pulmonary Embolism, which can have fatal consequences if left untreated. There is not enough blood flow to the lungs, especially due to the blockage caused by the blood clot in the leg veins. For this reason, the person suddenly becomes ill and is treated.

In this disease, there may be more than one cause of occlusion of the vessels. Lungs can be affected by air, fat, and clots in the veins. As a result of this effect, symptoms such as chest tightness, difficulty in breathing and bloody cough occur in the individual. In these and similar symptoms, it is very important to go to the doctor without wasting time. The medical term for pulmonary embolism is Pulmonary Embolism.

How Does a Pulmonary Embolism Occur?

This disease, which can have very serious consequences if left untreated, is an important disease that requires a quick visit to a specialist doctor when the first symptoms occur. So, how does a pulmonary embolism occur, let’s examine it together.

There are 3 reasons for the occurrence of this disease. The first of these occurs when a certain damage occurs in the endothelial part, that is, on the inner surface of the vessel. The second reason is; stasis in the vessel. That is, the stagnation of blood flow occurs. Finally, the third form of formation; It is the formation of coagulation called hypercoagulability.

The coagulated blood, which occurs especially in the veins in the legs and abdomen and formed by these three forms of formation, goes to the part of the heart called the right ventricle. After reaching here, it passes through the pulmonary arteries and causes pulmonary embolism disease. Although this formation is a serious disease, it can impair the blood flow in the lungs and put the person in danger of death.

What are the Causes of Pulmonary Embolism?

There are multiple causes that can cause pulmonary embolism. Under this title we wrote for you, we will look for an answer to the question of what are the Causes of Pulmonary Embolism.

  • The primary cause of this disease is damage to the vessels, slowing of blood flow and blood clotting. While the cardiovascular diseases experienced by the person trigger the formation of this disease, coagulation caused by varicose can occur in people who have varicose veins, usually due to standing work.
  • The use of drugs that will trigger blood clotting can invite this disease. For example, the birth control pill can cause clotting.
  • Intense inactivity can cause clots to form.
  • There may be a risk of embolism after long-term serious surgeries.
  • Although fat embolisms are very rare, fat clots can be seen after liposuction treatment.
  • Air or oil embolism may occur when the person comes to the surface quickly after diving, in which the phrase “high food” is used a lot.
  • n patients who are usually treated with chemotherapy, there may be a risk of blood clots due to the treatment. This risk is higher in patients with lung cancer.
  • Genetic factors can also trigger blood clotting and cause pulmonary embolism.
  • Finally, being overweight and smoking can also be shown as the causes of this disease.

What are the Risk Factors of Pulmonary Embolism?

As in every disease, there are some risk factors in pulmonary embolism. We can answer the question of What are the Risk Factors of Pulmonary Embolism as follows:

  • cardiovascular diseases experienced by the person
  • Various cancer diseases experienced by the person
  • chemotherapy treatment
  • The surgeries that the person has undergone
  • prolonged bed rest
  • Long journeys without a break
  • smoking
  • Being overweight or obese
  • People taking estrogen supplements
  • Pregnancy is one of the reasons that can create risk factors for pulmonary embolism

What are the Symptoms of Pulmonary Embolism?

The question of What are the Symptoms of Pulmonary Embolism is among the topics that are wondered and researched by many people. While this curiosity leads people to research and learn, they will be informed, have an idea about what the disease is in any symptom, and go to the hospital for immediate intervention.

We can list the symptoms of pulmonary embolism for you as follows:

  • The problem of shortness of breath experienced by the person
  • pain in the chest
  • coughing up blood
  • pain in the back
  • excessive sweating of the person
  • dizziness of the person
  • drowsiness experienced
  • sudden fainting
  • Bruising and blueness on the lips and nails of the person
  • Pain and swelling in the legs
  • The person has cyanosis, that is, the skin is moist but cold
  • High fever
  • Symptoms such as rapid and irregular heartbeat may occur

How is Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosed?

Pulmonary embolism, which requires a rapid treatment process and a serious approach, is a type of disease that can result in the death of the person if not treated in time. If you’re wondering how to diagnose a pulmonary embolism, let’s find out together.

There are multiple diagnostic methods that can be used to diagnose. If we were to list them for you:

  • Lung X-ray
  • Detection of Low Oxygen
  • Blood Gas Examination
  • EKG Shooting
  • Diagnosis can be made as a result of D-dimer Height

How is Pulmonary Embolism Treated?

Although pulmonary embolism shows a mild symptom, it is a serious disease that should be consulted to specialist physicians immediately. There are three types of pulmonary embolism. It is heavy, medium and light. According to these ratings, the treatment method and process also change.

Treatments are performed by surgical intervention, blood thinning drugs and breaking the clot with the help of a catheter. We can answer the question of How to Treat a Pulmonary Embolism as follows:

If the disease is diagnosed early and the degree is mild, treatment is started with blood thinners given to the person by the doctor. If the risk of complications is low or almost non-existent, the treatment is done at home.

If the disease progresses severely, surgical intervention can be performed if the doctor deems it necessary and the patient is suitable for surgery. At this degree, occlusion occurs in both main arteries. The patient, who is suddenly brought to the hospital, is treated in the intensive care unit. First of all, doctors who try to dissolve the blood clot resort to some drug treatment. Medication is the primary treatment method preferred by doctors. Doctors prefer surgery in very rare cases and in cases where the disease permits.

How Long Does Pulmonary Embolism Treatment Take?

Depending on the condition of the pulmonary embolism, the treatment process usually includes a period of 3-6 months. Although it is not clear how long the treatment of pulmonary embolism will take, this time may vary according to the condition of the patient and the disease.

What Should Those Who Have A Pulmonary Embolism Pay Attention To?

If a person has had a pulmonary embolism for the first time, this increases the risk of having it again. However, there are some measures that can prevent this situation from happening again. What Should Those Who Have Pulmonary Embolism Pay Attention To Let’s find out together.

  • People may need to use blood thinners for a long time under the control of a doctor.
  • The person needs to lose their excess weight or maintain their form by paying attention to their nutrition.
  • It is necessary to stay away from some vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin K, that clot the blood.
  • They need to exercise regularly.
  • Special socks should be worn with the advice of the doctor.
  • A sedentary lifestyle should be avoided.
  • Long journeys should be made less often.
  • Smoking should be stopped.

Lung Embolism Treatment Prices in Turkey

Turkey is a country that has followed the developments closely and made important developments especially in the field of medicine and has achieved significant developments. The country’s government has made significant investments in the field of medicine in terms of the welfare of the citizens, updating the field of health and moving it forward. Continuing to work with the motto that everyone has the right to receive quality health services, Turkey has succeeded in making its name known to the world.

Foreign citizens, who heard about Turkey’s efforts and success in the field of health, started to prefer hospitals and doctors in Turkey in order to find hope and treatment for their diseases. We can explain the reasons for this preference as follows:

  • Hospitals in Turkey are large, developed, spacious and fully equipped
  • The diagnosis and treatment methods used are the latest technological and up-to-date
  • The fact that doctors and nurses are experienced in their field
  • Hospitality and helpfulness of all people who take care of you, such as doctors, nurses, caregivers, intermediary company staff, hospital staff
  • Turkey’s natural and historical beauties, the fact that it offers touristic trips to people during and after the treatment process
  • The fact that basic needs such as treatment, accommodation, vacation, eating and drinking are met at affordable prices can be listed among the reasons for preference

However, it is not correct to give a clear and precise price information about Lung Embolism Treatment Prices in Turkey. This price varies according to the type and degree of embolism, and the diagnosis and treatment methods to be used. Factors such as treatment type, process, and accommodation also affect the price issue. You can contact us for answering all your questions about this subject and for detailed price information. In addition, if you want to come to Turkey through us and be treated, we can facilitate visa procedures with our invitation letter sent by us to the consulate.

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