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Mental Health Doctors in Ankara

Ankara is the capital of Turkey, which is home to many health centers serving various specialties in the field of health. One of these health centers is the field of mental health. Mental Illness Doctors in Ankara are medical professionals with expertise in mental health problems.

Mental illnesses include a variety of conditions that affect the emotional, behavioral and mental health of individuals. As specialists trained and experienced in the field of psychiatry, these doctors help patients in the diagnosis, treatment and management of psychological disorders.

Mental Illness Doctors in Ankara specialize in diagnosing and planning the treatment of different mental disorders such as depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. They aim to support patients’ mental health through modern medical approaches, psychotherapy, medication, and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Health centers in Ankara aim to address the emotional and mental needs of patients through Mental Health Doctors to help them have a better quality of life. Mental health is an integral part of overall health and these doctors in Ankara work with great dedication to maintain and improve the mental well-being of patients.

Mental Illness Doctors in Ankara

  • Assoc. Dr. Ahmet GÜL
  • Prof. Dr Salih BATTAL

What Do Mental Health Doctors Look For?

Mental Health Doctors are medical professionals with expertise in mental health problems. These doctors undertake the diagnosis, treatment, and management of a variety of conditions that affect the emotional, behavioral and mental health of individuals. Mental health is an important part of general health and Mental Health Doctors offer a range of approaches to protect, support and promote the mental wellbeing of patients.

Diagnosis and Assessment: Mental Health Doctors carry out comprehensive assessments to diagnose mental disorders by evaluating patients’ emotional, behavioral and intellectual states.

Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy in the treatment of mental health problems involves working with patients through individual or group sessions. Different psychotherapy methods such as cognitive behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis and family therapy are used.

Medication: Some mental disorders may require medication. Mental Health Doctors aim to manage patients’ symptoms by prescribing appropriate medication.

Treatment of Mental Disorders: They undertake the treatment of different mental disorders such as depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and eating disorders.

Crisis Intervention: They provide support to patients during emergencies or crises and make necessary interventions.

Mental Health Supportive Approaches: Mental Health Doctors provide counseling on lifestyle changes, stress management and emotional balance to maintain and improve patients’ mental health.

Psychoeducation: They provide patients with information about mental health and help them understand their own health.

Mental Health Doctors in Ankara support the emotional and mental health of patients using modern medical approaches and up-to-date psychotherapy methods. Mental health is an important element that affects the quality of life of individuals and these doctors aim to help patients achieve better mental balance and well-being.

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