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Crohn’s Disease Treatment

Crohn’s disease is a chronic disease characterized by inflammatory processes within the digestive tract. This can lead to serious complications such as pain, bloating, diarrhea and even bleeding, especially in the intestines. Although the exact cause of Crohn’s disease is not yet known, genetic factors, the immune system, and environmental factors are thought to play a role. Treatment of Crohn’s disease includes different strategies for the severity of the disease and the control of symptoms. In this article we have written for you, we will try to answer all the questions about Crohn’s disease.

What Is Crohn’s Disease?

Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes inflammation in any area along the digestive tract. The most commonly affected areas are the small intestine and large intestine. The disease can affect all layers of the digestive system wall and over time can lead to complications such as narrowing of the intestines, fistula and abscess. Crohn’s disease is a lifelong condition and is currently incurable. However, the quality of life can be increased by controlling the symptoms with appropriate treatment and lifestyle changes.

What Are the Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease?

The symptoms of Crohn’s disease vary depending on the severity of the disease and the area of the intestine it affects. The most common symptoms are;

  • Abdominal pain and cramps,
  • Diarrhea,
  • Bloody stool,
  • Mouth sores,
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss,
  • Fever,
  • Fatigue,
  • Feeling of urgency in bowel movements,
  • Night sweats,
  • Joint pains,

How is Crohn’s Disease Diagnosed?

The diagnosis of Crohn’s disease is made by the patient’s symptoms, physical examination findings, and various laboratory and imaging tests. First, the doctor evaluates the patient’s medical history and symptoms. Then, blood and stool tests are checked for signs of inflammation and infections. Imaging tests (endoscopy, colonoscopy, radiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging) examine inflammation, narrowing, and other abnormalities in the intestines. If necessary, the doctor may take a biopsy of the intestinal tissue and perform laboratory analysis to make a more precise diagnosis.

How Is Crohn’s Disease Treated?

Crohn’s disease is a chronic disease that causes inflammation in any area along the digestive tract. It usually affects the small intestine and the last parts of the large intestine. Treatment for Crohn’s disease varies depending on the severity of the disease, the area of the bowel affected, and the patient’s overall health. The treatment process usually includes the following methods;

  • Medication,
  • Nutrition and Diet,
  • Surgical treatment,
  • Supportive Treatments,

What Happens If Crohn’s Disease Progresses?

As Crohn’s disease progresses, various complications can occur in the intestines and digestive system. Some conditions that occur with the progression of Crohn’s disease can be listed as follows;

  • Thickening of the intestinal wall due to inflammation can lead to narrowing of the intestinal lumen. This can cause intestinal obstruction, pain and bloating.
  • Persistent inflammation of the intestinal wall in Crohn’s disease can lead to weakening and perforation of the wall. This condition causes fistulas to form, which are abnormal connections between the intestines or between the intestines and other organs.
  • With the progression of inflammation in the intestinal wall, accumulation of pus may occur in infected areas. This leads to abscess formation in the intestinal wall or nearby organs.
  • Crohn’s disease reduces the intestines’ ability to absorb nutrients. This may cause the patient to be malnourished and show signs of malnutrition.
  • Bleeding in the gut and iron deficiency can lead to anemia in people with Crohn’s.
  • People with Crohn’s disease have an increased risk of colorectal cancer, especially as the duration of the disease increases.

Early diagnosis and regular treatment are essential to prevent the progression of Crohn’s disease and reduce complications. Patients need to cooperate with their doctors, implement the appropriate treatment plan and adapt to lifestyle changes.

Crohn’s Disease and Sexuality

In individuals with Crohn’s disease, sexuality and sexual intercourse may also be affected. There are several factors that affect sex life in people with Crohn’s disease;

Crohn’s disease can cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation and bloating. These symptoms can cause discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse. In addition, complications related to the digestive system can be experienced during sexual intercourse.

Fatigue and lack of energy are common in people with Crohn’s disease. This can cause low energy levels and sexual reluctance during sexual intercourse.

Some medications used to treat Crohn’s disease can affect sexual desire and performance. For example, medications such as corticosteroids and immunosuppressants can cause aversion to sex and erectile dysfunction.

People with Crohn’s disease may experience psychological problems such as low self-esteem, depression and anxiety. These situations can lead to performance anxiety and sexual reluctance during sexual intercourse.

To manage the relationship between Crohn’s disease and sexuality, you can pay attention to the following recommendations;

  • Communicate openly and honestly with your partner to share your difficulties and concerns during intercourse. This will help both you and your partner understand their needs and limitations.
  • Stress can exacerbate the symptoms of Crohn’s disease and negatively affect sex life. Try meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and other relaxation techniques to manage stress.
  • Effectively managing Crohn’s disease will also help improve sex life. Working with your doctor, determine the most appropriate treatment plan to keep your symptoms under control.

How is Crohn’s Disease Surgery Performed?

While Crohn’s disease can be managed with medications and lifestyle changes, surgery may be required in some cases. Crohn’s disease surgery can be done in different ways, depending on the severity of the disease and complications. The main types of Crohn’s disease surgery can be explained as follows;

Strictureplasty; This surgery is done to correct narrowed and blocked areas of the intestine. The surgeon cuts out the narrowed area and allows the bowel to expand. It then closes the intestinal wall by suturing it. This process relieves congestion, preserving the functionality of the bowel.

Resection; This surgery is the removal of the sick bowel area and joining the healthy bowel ends. Resection is done when there is severe damage or complications to the intestine. The disadvantage of this surgery is that the length of the intestine is reduced and nutrient absorption is affected.

Proctocolectomy; This surgery is the complete removal of the large intestine and rectum. Proctocolectomy is done when there is severe damage or complications to the large intestine and rectum due to Crohn’s disease. Following this surgery, patients are required to use an ileostomy or colostomy bag for their stool.

Fistula surgery; Surgery can be used to treat fistulas caused by Crohn’s disease. In this procedure, the fistula tract is cleaned and closed. Fistula surgery relieves pain, infection, and other complications caused by the fistula.

Crohn’s disease surgery can be done in different ways, depending on the severity of the disease and complications. In the pre- and post-operative period, you can contribute to the management of the disease by following your doctor’s recommendations and making lifestyle changes.

Crohn’s Disease Treatment Prices in Turkey

Turkey has succeeded in making its name known to the world with its investments and Especially the latest technological devices used in diagnosis and treatment procedures have been a beacon of hope for many diseases. However, there has been an increase in health tourism in Türkiye.

  • Hospitals are large, clean, spacious and fully equipped in terms of technological equipment.
  • Turkish doctors are specialized, successful, and skilled in their fields.
  • Nurses and carers are friendly and compassionate.
  • Finding answers to the questions asked quickly and accurately.
  • Patience and understanding of all staff, including the intermediary company dealing with the patient.
  • Turkey offers holiday opportunities with its natural and historical beauties.
  • Easy transportation.
  • Diagnosis, treatment, accommodation, eating, drinking, dressing, and holiday needs can be met at affordable prices.

Such situations are shown among the reasons for preference. Regarding Crohn’s Disease Treatment Prices in Turkey, we can see that patients and their relatives who want to come to Turkey are doing research. However, it would not be correct to give clear price information at this stage. Many factors such as the type of disease, stage, diagnosis process, treatment process, and stay in Türkiye affect the price issue. If you want to get more detailed price information, you can contact us. In addition, if you come to Turkey for treatment through us, we can facilitate your visa application process with the invitation letter sent by us to the consulate.

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