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Check Up

Health screenings, which are important in terms of early detection and prevention of diseases, can be applied to people of all age groups. It is vital to control the diseases that are likely to occur especially after the age of 40. Check-up programs can be determined by the physician according to the needs of the people, and different programs can be created according to gender, age, and diseases. If detected early, diseases with a high cure rate go unnoticed, and if they progress, the treatment rate decreases and cause other health problems in patients. Therefore, early diagnosis and regular health screenings are very important for early treatment.

Tests Performed

Regular health screenings and tests are very important to detect disease problems before they start or progress. While many health problems can be treated easily if they are detected early, if the disease is detected late, both the general health of the patient is affected, and the treatment process becomes more difficult, prolonging the treatment period. Check-up is a general health screening that includes examinations and tests the determination of the general health status of a patient or a healthy person and the early detection of these health problems if any. Check-up programs can be divided into titles such as Women’s Check-Up Program, Male Check-Up Program, Child Check-Up Program, or special titles for certain diseases such as diabetes, heart, osteoporosis, and cancer.

Which examinations and tests you need are determined by factors such as your age, gender, family history of illness, smoking, weight, how active you are, and your eating habits. For this reason, before going for a health screening, it is important to learn about your family’s disease history, find out the duration and validity of the vaccinations you have had before, and list the questions you want to consult your doctor if any. In general, a check-up includes tests such as blood tests, urinalysis, heart electrocardiogram (ECG), chest X-ray, and abdominal ultrasound. Apart from these, examinations such as mammography, gynecological examination for women, and prostate examination for men are also performed. In people over 40 years old, advanced tests such as occult blood in the stool, and regular exercise ECG, and in people over 50 years old, colonoscopy and endoscopy are required.

Depending on the family history, regular sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure tests can be performed. Apart from all these, many different tests such as dental examination, body composition determination, thyroid scan, dental examination, hepatitis scan, bone density scan, and endocrinological examinations can be applied in line with your questions, and the problems you have stated, and the opinion of your physician. If a disease is detected as a result of the examinations and tests, a treatment program for the disease is created by the physician. In cases where a disease has not yet occurred but conditions that pose a risk of disease are detected, arrangements can be made for your eating habits, lifestyle, activity habits, or other risky situations in line with your physician’s recommendations. In some cases, preventive vaccinations and exercise programs may also be prescribed. Early detection, treatment, and preventive interventions of the disease are very important.

Diseases Covered

The diseases we go through depending on many different reasons such as our age, gender, weight, genetics, environmental factors, eating habits, lifestyle, and physical activity level. For this reason, it is very important for our health that we have some regular health screenings after the age of 40, especially depending on our family disease history, chronic diseases, and as recommended by physicians. Diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol, which are common in the world, or diseases such as lung cancer, bowel cancer, and breast cancer, which are common in the world, are diseases that can be successfully controlled and treated if detected early. However, late detection of such diseases can cause damage to other systems of the body and make the treatment of the disease more difficult.

In particular, some diseases can progress insidiously by showing very few symptoms. Regular health screenings are very important in the detection of such diseases. For example, since colon cancers cannot be noticed by many patients until their advanced stages, necessary examinations should be performed after a certain age in line with the physician’s recommendation. Similarly, high blood pressure is a disease that is very common in the population but cannot be noticed by many patients. Today, high blood pressure has become a disease that can be easily detected and controlled effectively thanks to health screenings. Smoking and alcohol use also pose a risk to problems such as lung cancer, COPD, and liver diseases.

Even if people with such habits do not feel a health problem, they should have regular health screening to detect possible diseases. Likewise, people who already have a chronic disease should have regular health screenings in order to detect the damage that chronic diseases can cause to other body systems. Diseases that should be examined within the scope of regular health screenings for women can be listed as breast cancers, uterine cancers, thyroid cancers, coronary heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. For men, the examination of common prostate cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancers, high blood pressure, coronary heart diseases, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s diseases is important for early diagnosis. In the formation of this type of disease, many factors trigger the disease before the diseases occur. Conditions such as obesity, hormonal problems, and metabolic disorders may be associated with the formation of such diseases. Detection and control of these problems ensure the prevention of diseases before they occur.