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Paediatricians in Ankara

Ankara stands out as the capital of Turkey and an important center of healthcare services. In this context, Paediatricians in Ankara constitute one of the cornerstones of the health sector in the city.

Child health covers the growth, development, and health status of children, the most precious assets of society. These specialist doctors in Ankara specialize in protecting the health of young patients, diagnosing and treating diseases. Pediatricians are trained to meet the medical needs of children across a wide age range, from infancy to adolescence.

These specialists in Ankara offer a wide range of services including vaccination schedules, growth and development monitoring, infectious diseases, nutritional counseling, and general health checks. Thanks to their qualified training and experience in pediatrics, they are committed to supporting children’s healthy growth and development, diagnosing and treating diseases early.

In Ankara’s dynamic healthcare environment, Paediatricians play a critical role in securing the health of the community by ensuring that young generations step into a healthy future.

Pediatricians in Ankara

  • Dr. Lecturer Altay BABACAN
  • Prof. Dr. Ümit SARICI

What Do Pediatricians Look for?

Pediatricians, as health professionals specializing in pediatrics, focus on the health needs of young patients. These specialists undertake the medical care of children in a wide age range from infancy to adolescence, helping with important issues such as growth, development, health check-ups, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases. Here are the main areas that pediatricians are responsible for caring for:

Health Checks and Growth Monitoring: Paediatricians carry out regular health checks and growth and development monitoring of children from infants to young adults to ensure a healthy growth pattern.

Vaccination Schedule and Immunisation: They ensure that children are protected against infectious diseases by vaccinating children in accordance with the vaccination schedule.

Infectious Diseases: They diagnose and treat diseases such as influenza, upper respiratory tract infections, and ear infections that children are frequently exposed to.

Nutrition Counselling: They help children develop healthy eating habits and provide nutrition counseling to families.

Developmental Problems and Disorders: They evaluate children’s developmental delays or behavioral problems and provide necessary guidance.

Management of Chronic Diseases: They provide support in the management and follow-up of chronic diseases such as asthma and diabetes in children.

Skin Problems and Allergies: They evaluate and treat children’s skin problems, eczema, and allergic reactions.

Child Trauma and Emergencies: They provide fast and effective interventions for situations such as injuries, fractures, or emergencies.

Adolescent Health and Psychosocial Counselling: They monitor the physical and psychological health of children in adolescence and provide guidance.

Child Health Education: They contribute to the spread of healthy lifestyles by providing education on child health to parents and society.

Pediatricians in Ankara aim to protect the health and development of young generations at the highest level with their expertise in these fields. They support a healthy and happy childhood with approaches appropriate to the individual needs of each child.

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