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Ear Nose and Throat Doctors in Ankara

Ankara is an important city that hosts many health institutions providing quality services in the field of health. Among these health institutions, Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialists are medical professionals who specialize in diagnosing, treating and managing health problems related to the ear, nose, and throat systems.

Ear, Nose and Throat Doctors in Ankara play an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of various ear, nose and throat disorders while addressing critical health areas such as hearing, breathing and swallowing functions of patients. S ince the Ear Nose and Throat system has a great impact on the quality of life, these doctors work to help patients lead healthy lives and provide solutions to their health problems.

Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctors operating in Ankara provide services to protect the ear, nose, and throat health of patients at the highest level by using modern medical technology and advanced treatment methods.

Ear Nose and Throat Doctors in Ankara

  • Assoc. Dr. Selmin KARATAYLI ÖZGÜRSOY
  • Prof. Dr. Güçlü Kaan BERİAT
  • Prof. Dr Şefik Halit AKMANSU

What Do Ear, Nose and Throat Doctors Look For?

Ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctors are medical professionals who specialize in the diagnosis, treatment and management of health problems related to the ear, nose and throat systems. These doctors provide a wide range of services to protect and improve patients’ hearing, breathing and swallowing functions. Here are the specialties of Ear, Nose and Throat Doctors:

Hearing Loss and Hearing Disorders: Examining the causes of hearing loss, improving hearing health with hearing aids and other treatment methods.

Sinusitis and Nasal Problems: Diagnosis and treatment of nasal health problems such as sinus infections, nasal congestion, and nosebleeds.

Tonsil and Adenoid Problems: Treatment of throat health problems such as tonsillitis, and adenoid enlargement.

Ear Infections: Diagnosis and treatment of ear infections, external auditory canal infections, and eardrum problems.

Voice Disorders: Treatment of vocal health problems such as hoarseness, and vocal cord polyps.

Snoring and Sleep Apnoea: Diagnosis and treatment of respiratory problems such as snoring and sleep apnoea.

Swallowing Problems: Evaluation and treatment of swallowing difficulties and swallowing disorders.

Tinnitus: Investigating and treating the causes of tinnitus.

Foreign Bodies: Removal of foreign bodies trapped in the ear, nose, or throat.

Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery: Surgical interventions such as rhinoplasty (rhinoplasty) or correction of ear deformities (otoplasty) for aesthetic purposes.

Ear, Nose and Throat Doctors in Ankara aim to protect the hearing, respiratory and swallowing functions of patients at the highest level. Using modern medical technology and current treatment methods, they aim to improve the quality of life of patients and provide solutions to ear, nose and throat health problems.

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