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What Are Heart Rhythm Disorders?

Heart rhythm disorders are characterized by fast, slow or irregular beats outside the normal regular beating of the heart. This condition, also called arrhythmia in medicine, is caused by problems in the heart’s electrical system and can occur for many different reasons. While some heart rhythm disorders can be mild and temporary, others can be life-threatening. In this article, we will try to give you information about the types of arrhythmias, the causes of heart rhythm disorders and normal pulse values.

What Are Arrhythmia Types?

Arrhythmias can be divided into many different types and subtypes that occur in different parts of the heart and with different mechanisms. The main types of arrhythmias can be listed as follows;

Bradycardia: It is a condition in which the heart rate is below normal. It is usually defined as a heart rate below 60 beats per minute.

Tachycardia: It is a condition in which the heart rate is above normal. It is usually defined as a heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute.

Atrial fibrillation: An arrhythmia that occurs as a result of irregular and rapid electrical signals in the upper chambers of the heart called atria.

Atrial flutter: Similar to atrial fibrillation, it is characterized by irregular and rapid electrical signals in the atria, but with a more regular rhythm.

Ventricular tachycardia: An arrhythmia caused by rapid and irregular electrical signals in the lower chambers of the heart called the ventricles.

Ventricular fibrillation: A life-threatening arrhythmia in which the electrical signals in the ventricles become completely irregular and chaotic.

What Causes Heart Rhythm Disorders?

Heart rhythm disorders can have many causes. The main causes can be briefly listed as follows;

  • Coronary artery disease, heart failure, heart valve diseases and congenital heart defects can increase the risk of arrhythmia.
  • An imbalance of electrolytes such as sodium, potassium and calcium in the blood can affect the electrical activity of the heart.
  • Some medications and stimulants, especially caffeine and nicotine, can cause heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Systemic diseases such as diabetes, thyroid diseases and sleep apnea. Such diseases can have negative effects on the heart’s electrical system, increasing the risk of arrhythmias.
  • Psychological factors such as stress and anxiety can affect the heart rate and rhythm, causing arrhythmia.

What Is Normal Pulse Rate?

Normal pulse rates may vary depending on age, gender and physical condition. In general, a normal pulse rate in adults is considered to be between 60-100 beats per minute. In physically active and healthy individuals, the pulse rate may be lower and vary between 40-60 beats per minute. It is important to evaluate pulse rates according to age and activity level.

What Is Good for Heart Arrhythmia?

Heart rhythm disorder is a condition that affects the regular beating of the heart and can occur for various reasons. The methods and treatments that are good for heart rhythm disorder can be explained as follows;

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can help prevent and manage heart rhythm disorders. This means exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, limiting alcohol and caffeine consumption, quitting smoking and managing stress.

Medicines used for heart rhythm disorders include beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, antiarrhythmic drugs and anticoagulants. These medicines can help regulate heart rhythm, reduce the risk of heart attack and prevent blood clots.

Medical procedures used for heart rhythm disorders include catheter ablation, pacemaker implantation and defibrillator implantation. These procedures regulate the heart rhythm by helping to correct or redirect abnormal electrical signals.

This method uses electric shocks to correct the heart rhythm. This procedure can be particularly effective for certain heart rhythm disorders, such as atrial fibrillation.

Alternative therapies such as acupuncture, biofeedback and yoga can help manage the stress and anxiety associated with heart rhythm disorders. However, more research is needed on the effectiveness of these treatments and they should not replace medical treatment.

What Symptoms Do Heart Rhythm Disorders Cause?

Heart rhythm disorders can cause different symptoms. These symptoms are as follows;

  • Palpitations or fast, used or strong feeling of heartbeat,
  • Pain, tightness or discomfort in the chest,
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness,
  • Fainting or feeling faint (syncope),
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue or lack of energy,
  • Anxiety or panic attacks,

Symptoms of heart arrhythmia vary depending on the severity and type of condition. Some people experience no symptoms at all, while others may experience significant discomfort.

How Are Heart Rhythm Disorders Diagnosed?

Diagnosis of heart rhythm disorders is a process that usually involves the following steps;

  • Medical history and physical examination,
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG),
  • Holter monitor,
  • Stress testing,
  • Echocardiography,
  • Electrophysiologic study (EPS),
  • Blood tests

Based on the results of these tests, the doctor will diagnose the heart rhythm disorder and determine the appropriate treatment options.

What Is Done To Treat Heart Rhythm Disorders?

Heart rhythm disorders are conditions that occur when the normal electrical activity of the heart is disrupted, causing the regular beating of the heart to change. This can cause the heart to beat faster, slower or irregularly, leading to various symptoms and health problems. The treatment of heart rhythm disorders depends on the type and severity of the disorder and the overall health of the patient. Some of the methods used for the treatment of heart rhythm disorders can be listed as follows;

Drug Therapy: Doctors may prescribe various medications to control and regulate heart rhythm disorders. These medications can be divided into different categories such as beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, antiarrhythmic drugs and others. The aim of the medications is to lower the heart rate, regulate the electrical activity of the heart and prevent blood clots.

Electrophysiologic Examination and Ablation: This method is used to identify and treat abnormal electrical pathways that cause heart arrhythmia. During electrophysiologic examination, doctors measure the electrical activity of the heart through catheters inserted into the heart and detect abnormal pathways. Then, with a technique called radiofrequency ablation, they correct the heart rhythm by destroying the abnormal electrical pathways.

Pacemaker Implantation: A pacemaker uses electrical impulses to keep the heart beating regularly. A pacemaker can be implanted if the heart beats very slowly or if the heart has problems transmitting electrical impulses. The pacemaker is placed in a subcutaneous pocket, usually under the chest, and connected to the heart by thin wires.

Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD): An ICD is a device that works like a pacemaker and sends electrical impulses to regulate the heartbeat. However, an ICD can also deliver stronger electrical shocks to correct the heart rhythm. An ICD is used especially for life-threatening heart rhythm disturbances and can help prevent sudden cardiac arrest.

Cardioversion is a procedure used to correct an irregular heart rhythm. Doctors regulate the heart rhythm by sending electrical shocks to the heart through pads placed on the patient’s chest. Cardioversion is often used for irregular heart rhythm disorders such as atrial fibrillation.

Heart Surgery: In some cases, heart rhythm disorders may require surgical intervention. For example, heart rhythm disorders caused by heart valve disease may require valve repair or replacement. Surgical ablation may also be used for some heart rhythm disorders.

Treatment of heart rhythm disorders varies depending on the patient’s condition and the type of disorder. Doctors can provide treatment through different methods, such as medication, ablation, pacemaker or ICD implantation, cardioversion and cardiac surgery. The aim of these treatments is to correct the heart rhythm, relieve symptoms and improve the patient’s quality of life.

Heart Rhythm Disorders Treatment Prices in Turkey

Turkey has managed to announce its name to the world with its investments and studies in the field of health. Especially the latest technological devices used in diagnosis and treatment procedures have been a beacon of hope for many diseases. However, there has been an increase in health tourism in Türkiye.

  • Hospitals are large, clean, spacious and fully equipped in terms of technological equipment.
  • Turkish doctors are specialized, successful, and skilled in their fields.
  • Nurses and carers are friendly and compassionate.
  • Finding answers to the questions asked quickly and accurately.
  • Patience and understanding of all staff, including the intermediary company dealing with the patient.
  • Turkey offers holiday opportunities with its natural and historical beauties.
  • Easy transportation.
  • Diagnosis, treatment, accommodation, eating, drinking, dressing, and holiday needs can be met at affordable prices.

situations such as these are shown among the reasons for preference. We can see that patients and their relatives who want to come to Turkey are doing research on Heart Rhythm Disorders Treatment Prices in Turkey. However, it would not be right to give clear price information at this stage. Many factors such as the shape of the lips to be made to the person, the type of material, extra aesthetic request, treatment process, and the duration of stay in Türkiye affect the price issue. If you want to get more detailed price information, you can contact us. In addition, if you come to Turkey for treatment through us, we can facilitate your visa application process with the invitation letter sent by us to the consulate.

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